Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Mindset Chapter Two

Live Blog Mindset Chapter Two


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  2. Class: Should a mindset define who you are?

    1. @RyanM I don't think a mindset should deteermine who you are because you are always able to change your mindset. Other than if you are showing off your mindset to others like if someone was complaining about how they cannot do anything and fail at everything, which then slowly makes them quit will it determine who you are

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  4. @Class On page 39 Dweck states "As children, we were given the choice between the talented but erratic hare and the plodding but steady tortoise." How are you given these choices as a kid?

  5. @Ryan I don't think a mindset should define who you are because both mindsets can have similar ideas attached. I could have a fixed mindset and have a salesmen job or have a growth mindset and have a salesmen job, I just might do better with a growth mindset.

  6. @JacobG2020 I believe in this day and age, leaders and businessmen are more growth than fixed because they had to have had a positive attitude to get to the top. They had to have people that looked up at them in order to become a leader.

  7. Class: Are the mindsets as simple as Dweck portrays them to be? Or are they more complex?

    1. @Jud, I belive that the fixed mindset and Growth Mindset are the 2 opposite ends of the spectrum and that people fall everywhere in between those 2 ideas. People can vary there mindset every day and peoples mindsets change dramatically. I think a mindset is something that is never set in stone.

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  9. @Jud, I believe that there are different types of growth and fixed mindsets. I also believe that you can have multiple mindsets that are for different areas of thought. I agree with @hayden because everyone is different and there are multiple types of mindsets.

  10. @ryan, I think you can keep a fixed mindset, but I don't know why you wouldn't want to get better.

  11. @Jacob, I think you can live life without minding your mindset. Unless you strive to be the best you can be, then you would have to switch to a growth mindset.
